Jaguar F-type, 4 weeksLotus Emira, 4 weeksFerrari Roma Spider, 4 weeksJaguar F-type, 4 weeksLotus Emira, 4 weeksFerrari Roma Spider, 4 weeksJaguar F-type, 3 weeksLotus Emira, 3 weeksFerrari Roma Spider, 3 weeksLotus, Ferrari and Jaguar F-Type 16 days old.Jaguar F-Type, 16 days oldLotus,16 days oldFerrari, 16 days oldJaguar F-Type, two weeks oldLotus, two weeks oldFerrari, two weeks oldMale, 10 days oldMale, 10 days oldMale, 10 days oldMale, 10 days oldMale, 10 days oldMale, 10 days oldFemale, 10 days oldFemale, 10 days oldFemale, 10 days oldMale one week oldMale one week oldFemale one week oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldFive days oldTwo days oldTwo days oldTwo days oldTwo days oldOne day oldOne day oldOne day oldOne day old
Parents of the litter, kullens föräldrar
SE*Whiskers’nPaws Terra di SiennaJCH KCH S*Ianthelagens Hikaru Sulu
Kittens born October 30, 2023 between SE*Whiskers’nPaws Terra di Sienna Som o, and CH (N)Kiachero Kiano Som a
Kattungar födda 30 oktober mellan SE*Whiskers’nPaws Terra di Sienna, Som o och CH (N)Kiachero Kiano, Som a.
Two ruddy boys, spoken for, två viltfätgade hanar, tingade
Two ruddy girls, spoken for, två viltfätgade honor, tingade
Tree blue girls, spoken for, tre blå honor, tingade
Kittens almost ten weeks old/ Kattungarna nästan tio veckor gamla
Kittens eight weeks old/ Kattungarna åtta veckor gamla
Halikarnassos 6.6 weeks oldRhodos 6,5 weeks oldOlympia 6,5 weeks oldGiza 6,5 weeks oldEfesos 6.5 weeks oldBabylon 6.5 weeks oldAlexandria 6.5 weks oldRhodos, ruddy male nearly five weeks oldHalikarnassos, blue female almost five weeks oldEfesos, ruddy male almost five weeks oldBabylon, ruddy female almost five weeks oldOlympia, blue female almost five weeks oldGiza, ruddy female almost five weeks oldAlexandria, blue female almost five weeks old
Rhodos, ruddy male 3.5 weeks oldOlympia, blue female 3.5 weeks oldHalikarnassos, blue female 3.5 weeks oldGiza, ruddy female 3.5 weeks oldEfesos, ruddy male 3.5 weeks oldAlexandria, blue female 3.5 weeks oldBabylon, ruddy female 3.5 weeks oldKittens about to open their eyes/ Kattungarna håller på att öppna ögonenSienna and the ”The Seven Wonders of the world” a few days old, Sienna och ”Världens sju underverk” några dagar gamla.SE * Whiskersn’Paws Terra di Sienna CH (N)Kiachero KianoParents of the litter/ Kullens föräldrar